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Deep Tissue Trigger Point Massage Certificate Course (6 CEU)
My number 1 problem with standard trigger point therapy (1:16)
This is the number 2 reason I didn't use trigger point therapy in my spa (1:36)
How to use this course (1:45)
Downloads (1:08)
What is a trigger point and how do we find one? Let's do it now. (3:39)
Why you cant stretch away the pain (3:00)
Here are some easy to find tools to help save your thumbs (2:09)
Massage therapists-This is not just about treating pain for your clients (1:15)
The MOST COMMON trigger point that affects virtually everyone! Trapezius pt.1 (7:10)
Now lets do it again but this time saving your hands (1:51)
Stiff, tight necks? This is another incredibly powerful point! Trapezius pt.2 (6:18)
How to find these next points-finding the superior angle of the scapula (1:20)
The crick in the neck culprit! Levator Scapulae tr. points (4:37)
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM). Its involved in SO MANY conditions! (1:19)
Now lets treat those SCM trigger points! (6:12)
Neck pain fixed in 90 seconds! 2.5m views! Lets do it! (3:31)
Before we move on..what I don't want you to do. (1:17)
Here is the first of 2 main culprits in facial pain Temporalis Tr. points (4:00)
Now we will deal with the second one Masseter Tr. points (3:18)
The deep neck muscles Splenius Cervicis, Splenius Capitis, Suboccipital Tr.point (7:06)
Lets now recap everything that you can now treat! (4:37)
Just learn these conditions to make life super easy for you! (1:10)
You can join over 20,000 students on FB and instagram! (0:33)
The Upper Back, Shoulder and Upper Arm Trigger Points
This is THE most overlooked muscle that must be addressed. Scalenes Tr. points (5:41)
Clicking and pain in the shoulder?Start here Supraspinatus Tr. points (7:58)
Beware of the hidden upper back pain culprits! Rhomboids Tr. points (6:21)
This one commonly refers to the front of the shoulder Infraspinatus Tr. points (3:39)
Do as I say, not as I do! (1:11)
Pain very localized at the back of the shoulder? Teres Minor Tr. points (1:09)
Pain affecting the back of the shoulder? Maybe its the Subscapularis Tr. points (2:58)
The Deltoid Tr. points (1:15)
The Teres Major and Latissimus Dorsi Tr. points (2:45)
The pectorals major and minor (1:10)
The Biceps Tr. points (0:48)
The Triceps Tr. points (2:14)
You can now treat more than 40 conditions! (1:01)
The deep tissue trigger point massage techniques when treating someone else
How the next sections will work (0:48)
What type of massage cream/oils I am using and how to make it (2:23)
How I am using my hands, thumbs, fists and forearms in the massage (2:51)
The deep tissue back massage techniques explained (24:35)
The deep tissue neck, chest and arm massage techniques explained (27:25)
The ENTIRE massage sequence with music for practice (51:00)
How to massage these muscles and their trigger points (2:30)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Trapezius (7:00)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Levator scapulae (6:37)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Sternocleidomastoid (3:59)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Temporalis (1:59)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Masseter (2:16)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Scalenes (5:03)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Supraspinatus (3:03)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Rhomboids (3:15)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Infraspinatus (4:45)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Teres minor (2:20)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Subscapularis (2:18)
How to do massage on the trigger points of Teres major and Latissimus dorsi (1:53)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Deltoids (2:49)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Biceps (4:05)
How to do massage on the trigger points of the Triceps (3:04)
Now you bring it all together! How to do trigger point deep tissue massage
Now here is how you treat your massage clients! (2:06)
Home trigger point treatments for your clients (1:07)
Congratulations! You have finished the course! (1:09)
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