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Craniosacral Therapy-Cranial Manipulative Techniques (7CEU*)
If you did my first craniosacral therapy course why this will be a game changer (1:32)
Do you need to do my other craniosacral therapy course first? NO (1:28)
If you cant feel the cranial sacral rhythm yet- No problems! You do not need to (1:03)
Download all of your Goodies! (2:40)
Do you need to do these upcoming sections? Watch this lecture to see (1:00)
My Facebook group and Instagram are great resources for you (0:33)
New to craniosacral therapy?-this section is for you. NEWBIES!
A brief history (4:05)
Craniosacral Therapy…What is it Really? (3:36)
A word about these upcoming lectures (1:03)
Lets do this palpation exercise-the skin, muscles and fascia (8:22)
Lets do this palpation exercise-the synovial joints (6:02)
Lets do this palpation exercise-the pulses (12:20)
Lets do this palpation exercise-alternating between breath and cardio rhythms (7:33)
The heart beat awareness exercise (4:09)
The repelling hands exercise (5:31)
The healing light energy exercise which I love! (6:12)
A quick look at the anatomy- The cranium (2:58)
A quick look at the anatomy- The meninges (2:18)
The craniosacral rhythm (3:26)
Entrainment-How you use it to heal your clients (5:44)
Proof of the craniosacral rhythm (7:02)
The craniosacral rhythm palpation exercise (11:59)
The cranial sutures and their restrictions-palpation time!
Make it the most beautiful treatment that they have ever had-period! (4:24)
Research into cranial suture motion and what’s in the cranial sutures? (2:32)
What is the role of the reciprocal tension membranes? (2:13)
Before we move on, I want you to see the lines of pull the membranes make (2:13)
Palpation guidelines (4:42)
Now its time to start feeling the sutures and any restrictions! (8:41)
Parietotemporal Suture Spring Test (7:07)
Sphenotemporal Suture Spring Test (6:18)
Signs of a Release-what are they and what do you do? (5:28)
The Direct and Indirect Methods in Craniosacral Therapy (4:45)
If you can feel the craniosacral rhythm (1:58)
How to Perform Fronto-Occipital Compression and Decompression (11:31)
How to Perform Occipitosphenoidal Translation (Shunt) (5:59)
How to Perform a V-Spread Technique (4:38)
Think horse not zebra (2:03)
The Occiput
How I have laid out the course for you in the following lectures (1:23)
This is exciting! Now, we're going to focus on the occipital bone. (6:31)
How to palpate and treat the occipital sutural restrictions (9:45)
If you can already feel the CSR then you can do these listening stations (11:53)
Cranial base release (4:47)
Occipital Condyle Decompression Technique. (5:01)
The fourth ventricular compression technique (7:01)
Before we go any further-could you we be addressing fascia primarily?
Fascial or sutural restrictions? What are we doing here? Does it matter? (4:47)
How to lengthen your hamstrings by doing fascial release on your feet (6:07)
The Sphenoid
The Sphenoid lift technique (7:28)
The Sphenoid-testing and treating in 6 directions (7:23)
The Sphenoid and frontal bone hook release technique (3:52)
Let's look at how we would use our new skills on a client
So before we go any further, I want to get you thinking about how to apply this (9:37)
I will now run you through a 15 minute session to give you an idea (16:03)
The deep tissue myofascial massage for the back and neck
A beautiful 1 hour deep tissue myofascial back and neck massage for you (61:41)
The Parietals
Assessing the parietal sutures. (3:43)
The parietal lift with sagittal suture pump (5:56)
The Ethmoid bones
The Ethmoid bones (7:58)
The Frontal bone
Assessing the frontal bone (7:58)
The Frontal Bone (7:12)
The Mandible
The Mandible (3:05)
The Temporals
Assessing The temporal bones (3:48)
The Temporals-the ear pull technique (3:49)
The Zygomatic Bones
The Zygomatic Bones (5:55)
The maxilla
The maxilla (4:41)
Congratulations (2:15)
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What is the role of the reciprocal tension membranes?
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